Saturday 27 April 2013

Countable and uncountable nouns

Personal Pronouns for children

Today we are going to learn personal pronouns
Let's sing it first before we start

Example: I am Encik Ramli.
              You are tall.
              We are playing football.
              It is a dog.
              She is singing a song.

Grammer Workout

Tuesday 23 April 2013

A red sock

The cat.
The cat is cold.
The cat got a sock.
A red sock.
The grey cat.
Cat has on a red sock.
Grey cat has on a red sock.

Monday 22 April 2013

The wheels on the bus

You can change the lyrics of the song 

The horn on the hoes beep,beep,beep,
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep,
All through the town !

Wiper (swish)
Door (clickety clack)
Mommy (chat)
Daddy (nod)
Baby (wha)

Saturday 20 April 2013

Festival in Malaysia (powerpoint slide)

The parts of our body

Learn some vocabulary of our body
1. My head
2. My hair
3. My face
4. My eyes
5. My ears
6. My mouth
7. My teeth
8. My nose
9. My tongue
10. My cheeks
11. My chin
12. My shoulders

Simple sentences of body

Let's sing it together~

Wednesday 17 April 2013

My little students learning in the class ~❤

My students are sticking their activity paper in the exercise book

They are excited when I'm trying to capture picture

The little shy girl in the class

They enjoy learning English in the class

Friday 12 April 2013

Dancing competition in my school

This was a awesome competition.
All the students put their effort to perform the best.
I am proud of them.
They love dancing indeed.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Color word search game

Past Tense

1. The policeman caught the thief last Friday.
2. The bell rang just now.
3. Mr. Tan drank coffee with his friends this morning.
4. Niza was hungry and ate the whole chicken.
5. They went to movie last night.

Practice makes perfect !

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Bedtime story: The lion and the mouse

 Once when a Lion was asleep, a little Mouse began running up and down upon him. This soon wakened the Lion, who placed his huge paw upon him and opened his big jaws to swallow him.

 "Pardon, O King!" cried the little Mouse, "Forgive me this time. I shall never repeat it and I shall never forget your kindness. And who knows, but I may be able to do you a good turn one of these days?"
The Lion was so tickled at the idea of the Mouse being able to help him, that he lifted up his paw and let him go.

 Sometime later a few hunters captured the King and tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him on. Just then the little Mouse happened to pass by, and seeing the sad plight in which the Lion was, ran up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound the King of the Beasts.
"Was I not right?" said the little Mouse, very happy to help the Lion.

 MORAL: Little friends may prove great friends.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Surprise day

I get flowers from my students on PIBG day
What a surprise~
It brighten up my day 
She has graduated last year and she come back today to receive scholarship

Say hi to teddy bear =)

I'm lucky to have a student such like you.